TCOD Track Circuit Operating Device - Flat Bottom Rail
The T-COD Track Circuit Operating device works by creating a short in the rail track. Normally used on an isolated track section, the T-COD signals that the block is occupied, simulating a train, therefore setting signals to red. This enables emergency repair work to the track to be carried out safely.
This type of rail bond is also used as a temporary connection of cables to the rail or as a temporary connection between two tracks whilst rails are being charged.
Easily fitted with a spanner. When the bolt is screwed down completely, the bolt becomes locked as the special designed spring steel tensions the cutting edge on the bolt and makes an excellent contact.
The T-COD is one of the few T-COD devices in the world with a full approval at Network Rail, UK. Approved and tested in accordance with Railtrack (Network Rail) Line Specification RT/E/S21136 Oct 99. Cert.No. PA 05/361
T-COD Options Include:
- TCOD 50mm2 / 1650mm Bullhead Rail
- TCOD 50mm2 / 1930mm Bullhead Rail
- TCOD 50mm2 / 1650mm Flat Bottom Rail
- TCOD 50mm2 / 1930mm Flat Bottom Rail
Optional Extras Include:
- Tightening Wrench for TCOD
- Carry Bag